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Monday 3 June 2013

Todays product review takes a look at Acana Regionals dog food, what types they are available and is it really worth buying Acana Regionals dog food. Take a look below for our full review.

About Acana 

Acana dog food is made produced by Champion Petfoods, who aim is to produce high quality cat and dog foods focusing on using local, fresh and unfrozen ingredients giving your dog the best quality and tasty food around!

Acana Regionals dog food

The Acana Regionals offers a range of products for your cats and dogs such as the wild prairie, pacifica, grassland and ranchland which we will go into full detail what each product offers:
Praire Dog Food

Wild prairie dog food

The wild prairie dog food by Acana Regionals is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds and sizes, the flavour of this dog food is Cobb chicken, whole eggs from local farms and wild caught fish, a yummy combination that your dog will just love.

Pacifica Dog Food

Pacifica dog food

The Pacifica dog food offers a diversity of fresh caught wild fish to provide your dog with a high source of protein. The actual fish used in this dog food is as follows:
  • Canadian Salmon 
  • Wild caught Herring
  • Wild caught Flounder
You will also find that each fish caught is passed for human consumption meaning you dog isn't given the horrible left overs.

Grassland Dog Food by

Grassland dog food

The Grassland dog food is full of yummy locally produced meat produced and delivered fresh and never frozen. The full ingredients for this product is as follows:
  • Alberta Lamb
  • Free Range Duck
  • Wild Caught Fish
  • Grade A Eggs

Ranchland dog food by

Ranchlands dog food

Rich in meat the Ranchland dog food offers the best aberdien angus beef, alberta Biston and lamb delivered fresh from local Alberta ranges. You will find this product is not just meat, but features fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, pumpkin, spinach and more

All Acana dog food products use 60% acana ranchlands meat and 40% fresh local fruit and vegetables you your dog will never miss out on all the nutriants he needs. For full information on the Acana Regionals Range, visit their website.

Should I buy Acana Ranchland dog food?

Although Acana Ranchland may be a little pricey compared to other dog foods, they offer top quality food which is grain free and high in meat, fruit and vegetables which our dogs absolutely love we definitely give this product a 4 out of 5.

Where to buy?

You can purchase all Acana Ranchland dog food from GJW Titmuss

But what do you think of Acana Ranchland dog food? is your dog currently on it? we would love to hear your thoughts so get social and leave a comment below or follow The Pet News on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus.

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